TR30: Handling FP0H and Control FPWIN Pro7 with pulse train outputs
You are able to set up, program and optimize an application with Control FPWIN Pro7 software, using pulse train outputs. You are able to control a MINAS A6 servo drive system, using pulse/direction control.
Target group
- Commissioning
- Service and maintenance specialists
- Project developers
- Programmers
- Wiring and commissioning of a MINAS A6 pulse/direction drive
- Using the PANATERM software to optimize motion control
- Introduction to the Panasonic pulse/direction library
- Creating an application program with the Control FPWIN Pro7 programming software
- Competent handling of the table configurator, in combination with the FP0H PLC
- Implementing homing operation, manual operation and automatic operation effectively
- Replicating and resolving typical error situations in an application
Completion of TR100: Drive technology (basic training) recommended.
Completion of TR1: Programming with Control FPWIN Pro7 (basic training) recommended.
Number of participants: At least three people
Upon request
Training Times: 1 day: 9 am to 5 pm
515,00 € plus VAT
The following discounts apply to participants from the same company:
25% discount for the second person
50% discount from the third person onwards
Please register for TR30: Handling FP0H and Control FPWIN Pro7 with Pulse Train Outputs