Amorton hero Panasonic Industry

Amorton - Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells

Amorton thin film cells are available on rigid and flexible substrates. Standard cells and customized solutions for indoor and outdoor use create countless energy harvesting possibilities.

Amorton thin-film cells also function indoor under artificial light

Amorphous silicon cells (a-Si) have a much higher absorption coefficient in the visible spectrum (380nm-740nm) than crystalline silicon cells and can therefore be manufactured much thinner. They are available on substrates such as glass, flexible plastic film or stainless steel. Amorton cells develop their full strength indoors or under poor light conditions. They can generate stable energy even under artificial light where crystalline solar cells often collapse.

Find the right amorphous solar cell for your application

Amorton for the indoor environment

Amorton for the indoor environment

Amorton is stable even in low or artificial light conditions, making it the ideal energy harvester for indoor wireless sensor networks.
Amorton for solar-powered watches

Amorton for solar-powered watches

Amorton solar cells are used in large quantities in wristwatches. Besides standard products we also offer customized solutions.
Amorton for the outdoor environment

Amorton for the outdoor environment

Amorphous solar cells are used outdoors wherever the optimal alignment of the cells and the associated light yield cannot be guaranteed.

Strenghts of amorphous silicon solar cells

Amorton Strenghts Panasonic Industry

How to find the right solar cell for your application? Our Amorton had been one of the first thin film technologies on the market and is therefore a well-known and long-established product. If weight and flexibility matter in your application, Amorton is the best way to go. Since they are optimized for indoor light sources they show good performance even at low illuminations.

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