Capacitor: Polymer OS-CON replacement Electrolytic Capacitors Panasonic Industry

Grid-EYE Application vertical

For applications that require to know temperature of objects.
Typical applications include kitchen alarms, microwave ovens, etc.

Application vertical - Absolute temperature measurement

Grid Eye Sensor for application stove

Grid-EYE is the de-facto industry standard for applications which require zonal temperature information. In many applications, monitoring the temperature of one or multiple zones within a given area may be a required. In these cases, standard temperature sensors like thermistors or single element thermopiles are inadequate solutions. Panasonic Grid-EYE caters to such use-cases.

The stream of Grid-Eye temperature data can be interpreted to either trigger an alarm in response to a catastrophic event e.g., kitchen stove fires, overheating circuit breakers, etc., or be used for comfort automation like intelligent air conditioning. Such time-series data can also provide meaningful information about heating and cooling patterns of objects which  can be used in applications like smart ovens. 

The compact size of grid-eye allows it to be integrated in small devices that need to fit into small spaces. Also, the  modest 64 pixel design provides the adequate resolution for such applications without generating too much data. Designers can write applications with low memory footprint to process Grid-eye temperature images locally on simple & low-cost microcontrollers.

More about Grid-EYE

sensors grid-eye

IR Thermophile array sensor – Grid-EYE

Grid-EYE - a 64-pixel infrared array temperature sensor
Grid Eye Evaluation Kit

Grid-EYE evaluation kit

The new Evaluation Kit for the Grid-EYE Sensor is designed to speed up your rapid prototyping and simplify data acquisition by integation of Panasonic PAN9520 WiFi Module and GridAI Express Software
Grid Eye Application for office

Temperature gradient measurement

For applications that require counting and tracking of people or objects.
Typical applications include smart lighting, meeting rooms occupancy meters, etc.