Logiciel de programmation Control FPWIN Pro

Avec le logiciel de programmation novateur Control FPWIN Pro, vous pouvez obtenir le maximum des automates programmables avec un minimum d’effort.

Logiciel de programmation Control FPWIN Pro

Control FPWIN Pro est le logiciel de programmation développé par Panasonic conformément à la norme internationale CEI 61131-3 (pour Windows 10 et 11). De nombreuses bibliothèques intégrant notre savoir-faire vous permettent de réutiliser des fonctions préprogrammées et des blocs fonctions. Vous gagnez ainsi un temps considérable en termes de programmation et de débogage.


  1. Éditeur de programmation en textes structurés (ST)
  2. Barre d’outils avec icônes pour les menus fréquemment utilisés
  3. Déclaration de variables
  4. Navigateur offrant une vue d’ensemble même des projets très complexes
  5. Sélection de fonctions et blocs fonctions
  6. Éditeur de programmation en schéma à contacts (LD)

Les caractéristiques essentielles de Control FPWIN Pro :

  • Un logiciel pour tous les automates de la série FP
  • 5 langages de programmation (liste d’instructions, schéma à contacts (ladder), diagramme de blocs fonctions, diagramme de fonctions séquentielles, texte structuré)
  • Un navigateur bien structuré offre une excellente vue d’ensemble des unités d'organisation de programme (POU), tâches, registres système, etc. simplifiant ainsi la gestion des projets
  • Réutilisation de fonctions et de blocs fonctions prédéfinis permettant de gagner du temps en termes de programmation et de débogage
  • Programmation, entretien, supervision et diagnostics via RS232 (COM), modem, Ethernet, USB
  • Forçage - activation/désactivation des entrées et sorties via l’ordinateur
  • Commentaires détaillés pouvant être rédigés lors de la programmation.
  • Possibilité d’écrire le nom des variables, fonctions, blocs fonctions et commentaires dans toutes les langues grâce à Unicode
  • Confort de programmation amélioré : fonction de connexion des lignes, placement automatique de nouveaux éléments insérés, connexion existante maintenue lors du déplacement d’éléments
  • Mode de commandes clavier accélérant la programmation
  • Interface utilisateur disponible en 8 langues : français, anglais, allemand, italien, espagnol, japonais, coréen et chinois.
  • L’horloge calendaire de l’automate peut être définie avec le logiciel.
  • Toutes les fonctions CEI prennent en charge le FP7
  • Nouvelles fonctions communication et pointeur
  • Nouvelle série de fonctions surchargées et de types de données sécurisés pour les automates de type 32 bits (FP7) et les automates de type 16 bits
  • Instructions pour carte SD 

Commander Control FPWIN Pro

Produit Numéro de commande
Licence pour Control FPWIN Pro V7. Logiciel de programmation, version complète, compatible avec tous les automates de la série FP (y compris FP7) FPWINPRO7_LICENSE

Pour en savoir plus

Vidéo sur les bases de l’API

Vidéo sur les bases de l’API

Vidéo sur les bases de l’API et un aperçu de la programmation à l’aide du logiciel Control FPWIN Pro 7.
Control FPWIN Pro7

Control FPWIN Pro7

Ici vous trouverez l’aide en ligne et des contenus supplémentaires tels que les bibliothèques de programmation pour la gestion des axes et les protocoles réseau.


industry.downloads.head.name industry.downloads.head.filetype industry.downloads.head.size industry.downloads.head.date industry.downloads.head.language
PDF User library for reading ECO POWER METERS (KW1M, KW2M and KW9M) Software, Library 1 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF FPGT Loader, Vers., is a utility for up-/downloading data to and from GT panels(GT01, GT02, GT03-E, GT11, GT21, GT05, GT12, GT32, GT703, GT704, GT707, GT710) and PLCs(FP0, FP0R, FP-e, FP-SIGMA, FP0H, FP-X, FP-XH, FP7). FPGT Loader can be used to make true copies of a master GT or a master PLC project to one or more target GTs or PLCs. For Windows 10 and 11. Software 299 MB 27.02.2025 English,German,Spanish
PDF Overview Programmable Logic Controllers, 4104euen Catalog, Shortform 4 MB 01.05.2024 English
PDF Übersicht Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen, 4104eude Catalog, Shortform 13 MB 18.10.2023 German
PDF Brochure Automates programmables industriels, 4104eufr Catalog, Shortform 6 MB 18.10.2023 French
PDF FPWIN Pro Data sheet 776 KB 15.02.2023 Italian
PDF Control FPWIN Pro Data sheet 835 KB 15.02.2023 German
PDF Control FPWIN Pro Data sheet 834 KB 15.02.2023 English
PDF Catálogo Resumen Autómatas Programables, 4104eues Catalog, Shortform 13 MB 18.10.2023 Spanish
PDF Motion & Communication FPWIN Pro 7 Library for MINAS A6 Series, Modbus RTU, Version, Included Demo Program. Supported PLCs: FP0R, FP-Sigma, FP-X, FP7, FP0H Software, Library 5 MB 30.05.2023 English
PDF IEC60870: la nostra risposta a tante domande Flyer 4 MB 04.11.2022 Italian
PDF FP0H Positioning Unit RTEX User's Manual (FPWIN Pro7), WUME-FP0HRTEXPRO7-09 Manual 9 MB 09.04.2024 English
PDF Control FPWIN Pro, Programmation des automates : un logiciel pour toutes les applications Data sheet 770 KB 15.02.2023 French
PDF Control FPWIN Pro Befehlssatz (Bitte beachten Sie, dieser Befehlssatz ist nicht aktuell. Die Neuauflage ist in Bearbeitung. Den letzten Stand aller Befehle finden Sie im InfoHub.) Manual 22 MB 16.05.2024 English
PDF Control FPWIN Pro Programming Manual, ACGM0313V5EN Manual 62 MB 28.02.2025 English
PDF FPWIN Pro7 Introduction Guidance, WUME-FPWINPRO7-03 Manual 5 MB 09.04.2024 English
PDF Fieldbus Slave Unit(FNS) Libraries for FP0H, FP2 and FP-Sigma. Supported FNS slaves are PROFIBUS, DeviceNet, CANopen, BACnetIP, BACnetMSTP and PROFIINET IO. GSD, EDS and GSDML files are included. FPWIN Pro Ver.7 or higher is needed. Software, Library 836 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF Fieldbus Master Module (FMU) Library for PROFIBUS-DP, DeviceNet and CANopen (FP-Sigma, FP2) Software, Library 124 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF FP0DPS2 PROFIBUS DP-Slave GSD-File Software, Library 1 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF PEW_A5_A6_RS232 Library Software, Library 4 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF User library Modbus RTU - function blocks for Modbus communication with FP2, FP2 MCU, FP0 and FP-G(FPG951)MCU, not necessary for FP0R, FP-X, FP-G and FP7, (incl. English, German a. Italian online help) Software, Library 6 MB 23.03.2022 English,German,Italian
PDF User library 3964R 3.02 - function blocks for 3964R/RK512 procedure (incl. Engl. a. German online) ( TB-3964R ) Software, Library 5 MB 23.03.2022 English,German
PDF Motion & Communication Library for MINAS A5 / A6 Series, Pulse Output Control with Positioning Unit, Version, Included Demo Program. Supported PLCs: FP7 Software, Library 3 MB 30.05.2023 English
PDF Control Configurator FM for integration in FPWIN Pro 7. Network Configurator including diagnostic functions for FP0H / FP2 / FP-Sigma Fieldbus Master Units(FMU). Software 46 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF Motion Control Library for MINAS LIQI / A5 / A6 Series, Pulse Output Control with compact PLCs, Version 1.0, Included Demo Program. Supported PLCs: FP0R, FP-Sigma, FPX, FP7 Software, Library 1 MB 30.05.2023 English
PDF FPWIN Pro projects in LD and ST code for positioning operations with a single-speed and a double-speed inverter. (Examples related to FP-X, FP Sigma, and FP0R User's Manuals.) Software, Programming examples 307 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF Fieldbus Master Units (FMU) Profibus, Profinet, CANopen and DeviceNet for FP7. Libraries, Samples and Docu V. (for the use in FPWIN Pro 7). Software, Library 5 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF User library PTC - function blocks for process and temperature control (incl. German a. English online help) Software, Library 6 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF Software tool used for switching FP0R PLC types from FP0R mode into FP0 mode. After that FP0R PLC can be programmed with software tools supporting FP0. Software 35 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF FPWIN Pro GSM alarm notification library (NCL-CCMS-LIB) version 1.200, Windows Configuration software (SetupControlConfiguratorMSLib1.102) and manuals. The FPWIN Pro libraries in "NCL-CCMS-LIB" contain function blocks to fulfill the following tasks: • Sending of SMS text messages, facsimiles, or mails • Receiving SMS text messages • Sending of DTMF tones (Dual Tone Multifrequency Dialing) • Requesting the signal level and registration status of the GSM terminal. In addition, the libraries contain a readily programmed GSM alarm notification system. Software, Library 31 MB 23.03.2022 English,German
PDF User library Modbus RTU - function blocks for Modbus communication with FP-G(FPG951)MCU, (incl. English online help) Software, Library 177 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF Motion & Communication Library for MINAS A5N/A6N Series, RTEX, Version, Included Demo Program. Supported PLCs: FP-Sigma Software, Library 800 KB 30.05.2023 English
PDF Ethernet Client FPWIN Pro 7 library, Version 1.4.0. FBs, HTTP_Client, FTP_Client and EMAIL_Client, for FP7CPS31ES, FP7CPS31E, FP7CPS41E, FP7CPS41ES. FB FTP_Client for AFP0HC32EP and AFP0HC32ET. Software, Library 990 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF FPWIN Pro project sample for FP7 AD4H/AD8 to read the analog input sampling buffer. Software 11 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF User library IEC60870 - function blocks for remote control with the IEC 60870-5 standard protocol (for FPWIN Pro 7 and newer) Software, Library 4 MB 30.01.2025 English,German
PDF User library timelib 4.1 - function blocks for UNIX/IEC-compliant time for FPWIN Pro 6 and FPWIN Pro 7 (incl. German online help) Software, Library 3 MB 23.03.2022 Other
PDF User library ACRON - function blocks ACRON / ACRON connect ( incl. German online) Software, Library 5 MB 23.03.2022 Other
PDF User library MBUS - M-Bus master software functions (incl. German online) ( TB-MBUS ) Software, Library 4 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF User library SEAB-1F - Software functions to communicate to AEG-telecontrol (master, slave (incl. German online) Software, Library 5 MB 23.03.2022 English,German
PDF PEW-CONTROL-DRIVER-A4-VIA-RS485 Library Software, Library 55 KB 23.03.2022 Other
PDF FPWIN Pro projects in LD and ST code for positioning operations using the pulse output function. (Examples related to FP Sigma User's Manual.) Software, Programming examples 872 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF FPWIN Pro projects in LD and ST code for positioning operations using the pulse output function. (Examples related to FP-X User's Manual.) Software, Programming examples 934 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF Solar Tracking Library Software, Library 2 MB 23.03.2022 Other
PDF User library MIO_MultiIO_FP7 1.0 - FPWIN Pro7 function blocks for high-speed counter, high-speed compare, positioning, pulse output and PWM. Online help and demo program included.Supported PLC: FP7 with AFP7MXY32DWD. Software, Library 4 MB 10.06.2024 English
PDF Motion & Communication FPWIN Pro 7 Library for MINAS A5N/A6N Series, RTEX, Version, Included Demo Program. Supported PLC: FP-XH Software, Library 2 MB 30.05.2023 English
PDF User library MoP, V.2.00 – Function blocks for time slot technique and multipoint connection (for FPWIN Pro 7 and newer, incl. German online help) (TB-MOP) Software, Library 5 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF User library MoP, V. 1.31 – Function blocks for time slot technique and multipoint connection (for FPWIN Pro 5 and 6, incl. German online help) (TB-MOP) Software, Library 4 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF Laser Marker Library Software, Library 4 MB 23.03.2022 Other
PDF Control FPWIN Pro V 6.0 Referenzhandbuch Manual 6 MB 23.03.2022 German
PDF Control FPWIN Pro V 6.0 Reference Manual Manual 6 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF Motion & Communication FPWIN Pro 7 Library for MINAS LIQI/A5/A6 Series, Pulse Train Output, Version, Included Demo Program. Supported PLCs: FP0H, FP-XH Software, Library 2 MB 30.05.2023 English
PDF Soluzioni Compact Motion - Dedicate ai costruttori di macchine, MC09/2018-2000 Catalog 8 MB 15.02.2023 Italian
PDF Motion & Communication FPWIN Pro7 Library for MINAS A5N/A6N Series, RTEX, Version 1.2.6, Included Demo Program. Supported PLCs: FP-0H Software, Library 33 MB 07.10.2024 English,German
PDF User library TC-LinkManager - function blocks for GPRS communication (for FPWIN Pro7 or newer, incl. English and German online help) Software, Library 11 MB 10.06.2024 English,German
PDF Motion & Communication FPWIN Pro 7 Library for MINAS A5B/A6B Series, EtherCAT,Version 1.1.0, Included Demo Program. Supported PLCs: FP7 Software, Library 3 MB 30.05.2023 English
PDF Control Configurator WD Version 1.79: setting software for Ethernet communication of FP7, FP0H, ELC500, Data Logger Light, PV200/500, HL-C21C, GT32T1/703/704, AFPX-COM5, FP-XH Ethernet type, LP-GS, KW2M-A/KW2M-X and KS1. For Windows 10/11 64-bit. Software 27 MB 29.01.2025 English
PDF FP7 AD4 and AD8 software for reading analog inputs plus broken wire dedection. Small user library and sample program for FPWIN Pro 7. Software, Library 32 KB 23.03.2022 English
PDF Control FPWIN Pro7, full and update version 7.7.3 FULL: For a full version buy a license separately. Please order it at your local Panasonic sales contact. This PLC programming software supports all Panasonic PLCs. UPDATE: The update needs at minimum an already installed FPWIN Pro7 version. For Windows 10/11. Software 462 MB 05.02.2025 English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean
PDF Control FPWIN Pro7, free basic version 7.7.3 Supports all PLCs including the FP7, PLC program length limitation is 10000 steps. This version can update an older basic version. For Windows 10/11. Software 462 MB 05.02.2025 English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean
PDF Übersicht Topseller Automatisierungstechnik, 6215eude Catalog, Shortform 3 MB 02.05.2024 German
PDF Les essentiels - Produits d’automatisme, 6215eufr Catalog, Shortform 5 MB 16.06.2023 French
PDF FP I/O Terminal Board Installation Instructions, MJEC-FPIOTB Manual 1 MB 11.07.2022 English
PDF Top seller - Automation products, 6215euen Catalog, Shortform 3 MB 01.05.2024 English