Pantallas táctiles, serie HMx700

Series de gama alta con funciones multitáctiles.

Series de gama alta con pantalla multitáctil y cristal capacitivo

La serie combina lo mejor de dos mundos: La HMx700 es una excelente pantalla táctil para aplicaciones exigentes del IoT que, a pesar de su amplia gama de características, no compromete su durabilidad.


Panasonic amplía su catálogo de productos de pantallas táctiles con la serie HMx700 - serie de gama alta con funciones multitáctiles. La serie combina lo mejor de dos mundos: La HMx700 es una excelente pantalla táctil para aplicaciones exigentes del IoT que, a pesar de su amplia gama de características, no compromete su durabilidad.


  • Pantalla táctil de cristal capacitivo
  • Tamaños de pantalla: 5“, 7“, 10,1“, 15,6” y 21,5“
  • Arranque rápido: Máx. 10 segundos
  • Resistente a los rayos UV
  • Resistente a los arañazos
  • Resistente a muchos productos químicos
  • Rango de temperatura de funcionamiento ampliado: De -20 a +60 grados Celsius
  • Tres puertos Ethernet
  • Multiprotocolo
  • Pasarela al Corvina Cloud
  • Estándar OPC UA
  • Tecnología VNC


  HMx705 HMx707 HMx710 HMx715 HMx721
Display 5" TFT 16:9 7" TFT 16:9 10.1" TFT 16:9 15,6" TFT 16:9 21,5" TFT 16:9
Resolución 800 x 480 800 x 480 1280 x 800 1366 x 768 1920 x 1080
Brillo 300 cd/m² 500 cd/m² 400 cd/m² 300 cd/m²
Colores 64K 16M
Superficie táctil Pantalla táctil capacitiva de cristal proyectado, multitáctil
Puerto serie 1x puerto multi-estándar programable
Puerto Ethernet 2x 10/100Mbit 3x 10/100Mbit
Puerto USB 1 puerto versión 2.0, máx. 500mA 2 puertos versión 2.0, máx. 500mA
CPU ARM Cortex-A8 1GHz ARM Cortex-A9 doble núcleo 800MHz ARM Cortex-A9 cuatro núcleos 800MHz
RAM 512MB / 4GB 1GB / 4GB 2GB / 8GB

Descargas industry.downloads.head.filetype industry.downloads.head.size industry.downloads.head.language
PDF Corvina Cloud. Komplett vernetzter Kommunikationsservice für die Industrie Data sheet 230 KB 15.02.2023 German
PDF HMWIN Studio User Manual, ACGM0195V405EN Manual 9 MB 08.03.2023 English
PDF HM Corvina Cloud User Manual ACGM0196V1EN Manual 3 MB 23.03.2022 English
PDF HMWIN Benutzerhandbuch-ACGM0195V2DE Manual 8 MB 23.03.2022 German
PDF HMx700 Series Instruction Manual, ACGM0197V4EN Manual 2 MB 11.01.2023 English
PDF HMWIN, V. 4.0.2. Build 462 - Design and configuration Software for the HM series touch panels and the web module FP-I4C. For HMx, HMs, HMe, FP-I4C with BSP < 1.3 and HM500 series. Full and update version. For Windows 10/11. Software 234 MB 16.05.2023 English,German,French
PDF Connectivity for IIoT - Industry 4.0, 6300euen Catalog, Shortform 2 MB 01.05.2024 English
PDF BSP 3.1.403 for the HM panels HMe04, 07, 10 and HMx705. This BSP needs HMWIN 4.5 or higher. Software 625 MB 23.08.2024 English
PDF BSP 1.3.836 for the HM panels HMs715 and 721. This BSP needs HMWIN 4.5 and higher. Software 495 MB 05.09.2023 English
PDF HMWIN, V. 4.5.2. Build 246 - Design and configuration Software for the HM series touch panels and the web module FP-I4C. For HMx, HMs, HMe and FP-I4C with BSP >= 1.3. Full and update version. Incl. Panasonic driver update v1.53. For Windows 10/11. Software 366 MB 28.03.2024 English,German,French
PDF BSP 1.3.836 for the HM panels HMx707, 710, 715, 721, HMs705, 707, 710. This BSP needs HMWIN 4.5 and higher. Software 495 MB 05.09.2023 English
PDF BSP 1.0.829 for the HM panels HMx705. This BSP needs older HMWIN 4.0 and lower. Software 451 MB 24.08.2023 English
PDF BSP 1.0.888 for the HM panels HMx707, HMx710, HMx715 and HMx721. This BSP needs older HMWIN 4.0 and lower. Software 524 MB 05.09.2023 English
PDF Bundle solution for motion application, Short overview 2023: Servo drives - Motion controller PLC - HMI - Communication, 4256euen Catalog, Shortform 2 MB 05.04.2023 English
PDF Bediengeräte HM-Serie und GT-Serie, 4253dlde Catalog, Shortform 6 MB 01.12.2023 German
PDF Humane Machine Interface: HM series and GT series, 4253euen Catalog, Shortform 5 MB 31.01.2025 English
PDF Interface homme-machine: Séries HM et séries GT, 4253 eufr Catalog, Shortform 6 MB 01.12.2023 French
PDF HMWIN Panasonic PLC Driver Update V. 1.53. Installation is only possible if HMWIN V. 4.5.2 is already installed. Software 4 MB 25.09.2024 English
PDF CAD files as step and all-view drawings for touch panel HMx700 series. CAD 30 MB 09.12.2024 English
PDF Übersicht Topseller Automatisierungstechnik, 6215eude Catalog, Shortform 3 MB 02.05.2024 German
PDF Top seller - Automation products, 6215euen Catalog, Shortform 3 MB 01.05.2024 English
PDF Les essentiels - Produits d’automatisme, 6215eufr Catalog, Shortform 5 MB 16.06.2023 French
PDF Brochure "Focus Automazione" Catalog, Shortform 8 MB 08.01.2025 Italian

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HM series

HM series

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