Home Iot in the living room Panasonic Industry

Home IoT gateway

Learn more about 'What's Panasonic Home IoT?'
home-iot product front logo Panasonic Industry

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects and controls a wide range of “things” over a network.

This advanced technology is beginning to make major advances in home comfort.

The Panasonic HOME IoT Gateway allows you to benefit from this by renewing your living environment with Panasonic’s technology and know-how.

Basic plan

See the future of living with the Home IoT gateway.

home-iot basic_led green

LED colour status

The application LED (see above 1) changes the colour to let you know your home energy usage.


  • Below 100% of the target electricity usage for this month.


  • 101% ~ 109% of the target electricity usage for this month.


  • Over 110% of the target energy electricity for this month.
home-iot basic smartphone app

Details such as usage and energy prices can be checked in the smartphone app screen

  1. Cumulative total so far
  2. Displays usage, cost and CO₂ emissions
  3. Consumption is colour coded for ease of use
  4. Target for current month
  5. Figure for previous month
  6. This month’s electricity usage
  7. Today’s figure
  8. Prediction

Providing solar and storage system simulation

home-iot basic simulation Panasonic Industry

Ideal for those considering the cost of installing solar generation systems.

It provides real-time information on what the generated sold and purchased energy would be if you installed a system.

Measurements and collected data are used to simulate the electricity bill savings you would make by installing solar generation or a storage battery.

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Solar generation system simulation screen

  1. Saving within selected time period
  2. Percentage saving
  3. Display unit tabs
  4. Total change
  5. Estimated energy graph
  6. Savings display
    Displays how much your energy costs would differ from the original values due to PV + SB over a set period. The three circles show energy use, cost and CO2 emissions. Tapping switches between modes and the graph at the bottom is also interactive.
  7. Total home consumption
  8. Switch button
    Switch between PV only or PV and SB.

More information on the basic plan

home-iot about-the-app teaser
Home IoT

About the app

Get more information about the data available on the smartphone app.
home-iot solar-generation-system_roof Panasonic Industry
Home IoT

Solar generation system simulation

Get more information on the solar generation system simulation.
home-iot option app

Air quality screen

  1. Local weather information
  2. Air quality
    You can also check pollen levels including tree, grass and ragweed pollen.
  3. Ventilation notification icon
    Icon responds to air quality to remind you to ventilate
  4. Room-specific information
    Displays temperature and humidity data for each room

More information on the menu option

home-iaq plant teaser Panasonic Industry
Home IoT

IAQ Management

Monitors and manages room air quality to ensure your living environment is always comfortable.

Products, installation, FAQ and licence information

home-iot products
Home IoT

Home IoT products

Product information on Panasonic Home IoT, including our basic plan and menu options.
home-iot installation
Home IoT

Home IoT installation

Installation information and documentation.
home iot interior_03 Panasonic Industry
Home IoT

Home IoT FAQ

Information on introducing the system, construction, implementation and more.
home-iot product teaser
Home IoT

Home IoT licence

Information on software.